Sunday, March 20, 2011

Mainland China income tax compared with California's

For some reasons many people I've talked to think that China's income tax burden is heavy. It's true that the top marginal rate of 45% looks horrible for Hongkongers. But, HK is like, tax free, compared to most places.

From my experiences and calculations, China's income tax is lighter than California's for many people. There are several reasons.
  1. The 2nd highest marginal rate at 40% kicks in at CNY80K per month, which is around USD146K per year. In California, you'll reach a marginal rate of 33% + 9.55% x (1-.33) + 1.45%, which is roughly 40.8% , at around 171K USD of taxable income. So the USD tax might looks like slightly lower here.
    But if we consider the 35% bracket pint at CNY60K/month ~ USD109K, the US marginal rate is at 28% + 9.55% X(1-.28) + 1.45% = 36.3%.
    Thus for the part of income below USD100K the effective rate would be lower in China. The top 45% will begin to have large effect on the overall effective rate at income over USD200K though.
  2. If you don't hold mainland China passport, there's a scheme to reduce the income subject to tax by up to 35%.
  3. Bonus and options are treated separately from regular income. Imagine that you split into 3 separate tax payers, and each only paying tax for the income bin of salary, bonus, or options.
Not all people will benefit from 2. & 3, but it'd probably apply to many who move to mainland China but still work for a foreign company.

There are speculations that China's will cut income tax this year. Hopefully the brackets will widen and the rates will drop.


Visited Sydney earlier this month for a business trip. It's not very likely that I'll go there again any time soon. My guess is that few years later the only thing I'll remember from this trip is that 8kg king crab costing >AUD1000 we shared.
Sydney is such an expensive place. And the food is not that good given their resources. The weather is great, but so is California's. I personally don't see any reason to prefer there over the bay area

Saturday, February 19, 2011






Saturday, January 01, 2011

Ender's Game (spolier)

Just a quick review before I forgot the details. I haven't read sci-fi fiction for some time already. Most of my sci-fi consumption in the last few years are anime, manga, and occasionally, movies.

I'd say that Ender's Game is a reasonably interesting story, but it's not too 'realistic'. In particular, the children don't act like children at all. It's okay to change their role settings to teenagers or even young adults, and most of the stories will still work. In contrast, the children and teenagers in japanese animes really act according to their age, most of the time, at least when they're not in 'battles'. So I'd still think that even Code Geass is more complex and deeper than this supposedly serious sci-fi Ender's Game. One major reason is that the author is so limited by the 'western' morality constraints. I guess he thinks that getting children to fight real war is already such a 'taboo'... so he's so restrained in most of the plots. In particular, most of the casualties are so distant, but one could argue that this is intentional.

Another major fault with the story is that no reason is given why the 3 siblings of a single family will become the most powerful and intelligent folks in the entire world. There is also much Americanism that I got to dislike more and more over the years.