Friday, May 11, 2007

where do you want to be?

Some coworker asked:
If you can choose to be anywhere in this world, where would you be?
My instinct response was "Hong Kong". But there's an alternative:
A place in this universe with most advanced civilization, in both technology (so that I can visit back earth easily) and morality (so that they won't put me in their zoo).
So I guess that question has an assumption that's physically impossible (unless you believe in wormhole or magic).


Anonymous said...

wait...isn't that moral judgement is what you hate? suppose their morality doesn't allow them to put you in the zoo but strictly prohibits you from consumption of meat (i know this is gonna kill you), extravagance in computer gadgets purchase or sexual conducts. btw it's also possible that they will force you to worship their gods, make you kneel down in front of some 3-eyed 8 antennaed golden statue.

Arael said...

I should have said it's about the advances in humanities ad philosophies in general.
So hopefully they will be pretty liberal by then? And it's hard to imagine that such an advanced civilization will still need gods?
(well, unless they have actually discovered the gods...)

** 飛雪素素 ** said...

heyhey just wanna say hi to you ar. haven't seen you for quite a long time, where are you now? still in LA? Do you enjoy it there? I actually went back to HK to live for around 1 and a half year. It was very polluted. When the breeze blew on my face, I felt dusty.. Whenever I went to MK/ CWB, there was sewage stink along the street. Did you know that a kid who had asthma died at home because of air pollution consistently at "High" levels ? Luckily, I lived in Clear Water Bay back then. I suggest people who has breathing problems live in upper hill/ further from the city. -nancy

Arael said...

hey, i moved to SF around 2 years ago.
yah, i agree that air pollution is a serious issue with HK.
And I have no idea why HK government is not doing more about that.
But again, HK Gov is just so "廢" these days. They are the source of stupidity pollution anyway :P

But I still want to go back. I don't like the government but I like the city and the people.

** 飛雪素素 ** said...

SF ar?? why did you move there?Isn't it less girls in SF??? haha
HK is not "廢" 香港政府 is "唔鬼理",特別係城市規劃方面,政府和商家完全沒有共識,亂咁起起拆拆。 有一D環保主意嘅建築物被一堆新起嘅建築物圍住,發揮唔到原有作用。(例如: 將軍澳) 又有更加多"難型"但對四周環境有害嘅建築物响市中心。 (例如: 中環D玻璃buildings)最好笑係"廢物回收" 呢單嘢比人踢爆,收咗D分類完嘅垃圾之後最後都係mix番埋一堆。 香港嘅環保主意好多都只係門面工夫。 好有可能環保比香港政府嘅感覺係-"冇錢賺嘅嘢就梗係唔洗咁認真啦,做吓樣算啦。"